Monday, 31 January 2011

Banksys the MAN

Banksys the MAN. End of. This guy who has still remained to keep his indentity a mystery from everybody, except a close-knitted group of friends never fails to amaze with his contraversial stencil work.
I think the first time i was exposed to Banksy was around 2 years ago when a friend of mine called Rob had a Banksy fallen angel piece tattooed on his chest. To be honest my reaction was 'Yeah thats pretty kool' but then i decided to do some research and take a look at some of his other pieces and have been a fan ever since.

The thing i like about Banksy is his art work and images, its street art but yet it doesn't follow the traditional forms of street art like graffiti. People may think that because this dude uses stencils that there's no skill going into this and often heard is 'anybody can do that'. I tried and failed so its not as easy. The idea's and themes that Banksy uses is what interests me so much about the artist.


Its interesting the way that Banksy uses rats, probably the most hated creatures on the planet, in such an upfront way. When asking people about Banksys artwork its probably the rats that people recognise the most. I just like the way the rats art put in random places and make such a bold statement and also the funny captions used.
Ive always been a big fan of Banksy ever since the first time i saw his work but since watching his movie 'Exit through the giftshop' ive got even more respect for him but also for street artists on a whole. Street art is something ive always been interested in because its so free.

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